The new book from the METU MUD series has been published: ÇATIŞMA, PLANLAMA ve TASARIM | CONFLICT, PLANNING and DESIGN. The book edited by Dr. Olgu Çalışkan discusses the issue of urban warfare from the perspective of spatial planning and design.
As all know, South Eastern Turkey was exposed to a very intensive, longstanding and destructive condition of military conflict in urban context, after September 2015. Having lasted for about three months, the military conflict occurred in twenty-two settlements in over seven cities. This revealed the urgent necessity to define responsive planning and design strategies for the regeneration and social rehabilitation of cities after conflict, as well as reconsidering the consequences of urban warfare. This book includes five essays discussing the issue from different perspectives, along with the design research studies conducted by METU Master of Urban Design (MUD) Graduate Studio in 2016-2017 Academic Term in the context of Suriçi, Diyarbakır under the title of ‘recovery urbanism’.
The book is published bilingually in editorial preface and conclusion involving the abstracts of the papers in English as well as the explanations of the projects involved. The articles within the book are as follows:
As We Said: From the Masculine Regime of Capitalism to Emancipatory Machine of Revolution [or, the notes on alla turca reflections of creative destruction] by Güven Arif Sargın
Urbanism as Weapon of Mass Construction by Bülent Batuman
Getting One’s Tongue Round Nusaybin: Destruction, Construction and Memory Emre Özyetiş
Suriçi, Diyarbakır: Before and After the Conflict by Nevin Soyukaya
Forced Migration and Urbanisation of the Replaced Ones: Urban Poverty in The Case of Suriçi, Diyarbakır by Serdar M. A. Nizamoğlu
The book is available online at ISSUU, as well: