Trip to Döşemealtı, Antalya

METU Master of Urban Design (MUD) 2017-2018 Studio made the second field trip to Döşemealtı, Antalya to present the ‘DÖŞEMEALTI DESIGN GUIDELINE’ to the municipality. Within the three-day intensive program, the studio group first visited, Turgay Genç, the mayor of Döşemealtı and submitted the guideline. Then the group presented the guideline publicly in the city council with the participation of the responsible persons of the local government. Following that the MUD Studio made a close meeting with Burak Öztürk, the senior planner of the town and Barış Yönter, the chief architect of the municipality to determine the themes, programs and the sites of the individual projects. The trip has been ended with the site visits to be informed with the specific problems and the potentials of the selected project sites.