2000 I International Urban Planning & Architectural Design Competition: Ostrava


International Urban Planning and Architectural Design Competition: Ostrava, Karolina, the Czech Republic

In the year of 2000, the international design competition organized by International Union of Architects (UIA) was held for the city of Ostrava, the Czech Republic with a special focus on post-industrial site and its sustainable future development within an integrated urban regeneration process. The main design task pursued by the design team was designing an innovative system of relations, transportation, and communication between the Karolina district, the city centre, and the historic district. Accordingly strategically comprehensive, systematically integrated and functionally flexible design framework was developed by the studio.

Design team: Cenk Atun, Adnan Barlas, Eser Dilmen, Metehan Gültaşlı, Baykan Günay, Ebru Gürler, Enver Kolaç, Serdar Özbay